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Disparities in Diabetes Mellitus Mortality Rates in Coal Mining and Non-Coal Mining Areas of Appalachia; Heart Disease Mortality in West Virginia Coal Mining Counties

Lauren Balmert

Lauren Balmert is currently a graduate student in the doctoral program in Biostatistics at the University of Pittsburgh. She received her B.S. in Economics from Fairfield University (2012). She works as a graduate student researcher in the Center for Occupational Biostatistics and Epidemiology in the School of Public Health. She has been involved with the research process and manuscript writing for several studies including health in coal mining and non-coal mining counties in Appalachia, mortality risk in the National Cancer Institute formaldehyde worker cohort study, and analysis of trends in accidental poisoning deaths.


  • Buchanich JM, Balmert LC, Youk AO, Woolley SM, Talbott EO. General Mortality Patterns in Appalachian Coal Mining and Non-Coal Mining Counties. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2014 Nov;56(11):1169-78.
  • Woolley SM, Meacham SL, Balmert LC, Talbott EO, Buchanich JM. Comparison of Mortality Disparities in Central Appalachian Coal and Non-Coal Mining Counties. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2015;57(6):687-694.
  • Balmert LC, Youk AO, Woolley SM, Talbott EO, Buchanich JM. Heart Disease Mortality in Appalachian Coal Mining Counties. SM Journal of Public Health and Epidemology. 2015; In press.
  • Woolley SM, Youk AO, Bear T, Balmert LC, Talbott EO, Buchanich JM. Impact of Coal Mining on Self-Rated Health among Appalachian Residents. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2015; Available at
  • Marsh GM, Morfeld P, Zimmerman S, Liu Y, Balmert L. An Updated Re-analysis of the Mortality Risk from Nasopharyngeal Cancer in the National Cancer Institute Formaldehyde Worker Cohort Study, In Preparation.
  • Buchanich JM, Talbott EO, Balmert LC, Woolley SM, Youk AO. Disparities in Diabetes Mellitus Mortality Rates in Coal Mining and Non-Coal Mining Areas of Appalachia. SME Transactions. 2015 (accepted).